Speeding Up NSA Evaluations and FIPS 140-2 Validations for Defense Contractors

As a defense contractor, you're helping the government achieve its Global Information Grid (GIG) information assurance vision, taking part in crypto modernization efforts, or building products that need to meet varying levels of certification.

Competition is fierce. Gaining and retaining a contract can depend on your ability to quickly deliver a missile system, tactical communications devices, sensor, VoIP, VPN, smartcard, or cross-domain solution that is certified and meets stringent NSA Information Assurance (IA) requirements.

Certicom enables you to:

  • Deliver government-approved devices and applications to your customers faster
  • Embed security across multiple product families
  • Save time by enabling code re-use across all product lines
  • Access implementation patents not licensed by the NSA
  • Reduce research time and development costs
  • Decrease risk of inefficient security implementations
  • Optimize performance through point compression
  • Increase flexibility with an architecture that supports all major security protocols - including SSL, TLS, IPSec, ETS, and DRM
  • Receive support that helps you meet evolving standards
  • Eliminate potential liability relating to Certicom implementation patents within the NSA's Suite B field-of-use

Get to Market First and Speed Up Validations

Expedite NSA and FIPS approvals by gaining access to compiled libraries for your architecture, detailed documentation, extensive support that reduces development time, and test functions that validate the proper functioning of supported algorithms.

Certicom helps you deliver high-speed performance, a small footprint, and strong security that meet NSA Suite B field-of-use guidelines and FIPS 140-2 requirements with proven ECC implementations.